How to make new friends – as an adult

Hello friends, today I would like to talk about a topic that has been important to me in the last years. It seems like losing friendships over the years is part of getting older. You might have developed different interests, priorities and life goals and grown apart from your old buddies. Or you moved to a new place or abroad like me. Making new friends as an adult isn´t that easy for everyone so I share some experiences and tips what had helped me in the last years.

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Quick Tips To Boost Your Mood

We all know these phases, when we get overwhelmed by the little and big challenges of life. For me personally the last season has been extra demanding, so I tried out some different things to boost my mood. Today I want to share the ones, that I found most helpful. They might not fix your problems, nor take the stress away completely, but they will help you deal better with it! And we all know the more we feel confident in our own body and mind, the better we handle tricky situations. So stay tuned for my little tricks and habits of how to feel better!

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How to finally feel enough

In the state of doubting yourself and your abilities it is often tricky to realize, that you might put too much pressure on yourself. So how can we learn to see that what we do and who we are is enough?

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How To Handle Criticism Calmly

The thing is, you can’t change how others act around you. You can only change your own perspective and action. So today I would like to share my thoughts on criticism with you guys. I collected a couple of good ideas and tips, which can help us all to handle criticism better.

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Summer Selfcare: Little Ideas How You Can Treat Yourself

Let’s look on the bright side of life! To cheer you guys up I wrote a little happiness list. Today I want to share some little pleasures of life with you. Things you can do to boost your mood and some of the ideas don’t even cost a penny!

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Hey inner critic this one is for you.. #MindshiftingMoment

Today I would like to talk to you about a mind-shifting moment that I had the other day when I was reading the following quote. You might not be aware […]

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How to love yourself: 20 simple tips for a better self-esteem #stopcomparing

Let me ask you something: How often do you actually compare yourself to others instead of focusing on yourself? Or let´s go one step further: how often does the comparison […]

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How to deal better with disappointment and frustration

Your emotions are all over the place? You are struggling more than you usually do and are dealing with feelings of disappointment or frustration? Then let me tell you something: […]

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Time to refocus: 5 simple steps to find your own paths to happiness

You´re overwhelmed of your daily life, get stressed easily and feel like you don´t even know on which path you are walking on? Don´t worry, I totally feel you and […]

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