I published a book

A few weeks ago I published my very first English book—and I want to share a secret with you: it is inspired by a true story! My very personal love story.

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Living Abroad: Amsterdam Edition

After living in Australia, Chile, France and Spain I have to say that the Netherlands is probably the most similar to Germany – or as some dutchies are joking: Is it just the better version of Germany? Let´s find out!

The biggest differences between Germany and the Netherlands

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Life Update: What I´ve been up to in the last 15 months

Hello my beautiful friends, in my last blog post I gave you a little hands-up that I would be taking a break for quite some time, but no one expected me to leave for so long – neither did I! The past year has been such a rollercoaster for me and one of the most challenging journeys of my life.

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How to make new friends – as an adult

Hello friends, today I would like to talk about a topic that has been important to me in the last years. It seems like losing friendships over the years is part of getting older. You might have developed different interests, priorities and life goals and grown apart from your old buddies. Or you moved to a new place or abroad like me. Making new friends as an adult isn´t that easy for everyone so I share some experiences and tips what had helped me in the last years.

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WRITING GUIDE: How to choose your next story idea

The inspiration for a new story idea can hit you everywhere. You can be in the shower, on a walk or in the middle of a conversation with someone. What is hardest is to choose, which of your ideas you actually dedicate the time to turn it into a story. In this part of the writing guide we talk about how you find out, which idea is the right one to focus on.

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Quick Tips To Boost Your Mood

We all know these phases, when we get overwhelmed by the little and big challenges of life. For me personally the last season has been extra demanding, so I tried out some different things to boost my mood. Today I want to share the ones, that I found most helpful. They might not fix your problems, nor take the stress away completely, but they will help you deal better with it! And we all know the more we feel confident in our own body and mind, the better we handle tricky situations. So stay tuned for my little tricks and habits of how to feel better!

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LIVING ABROAD – How to overcome struggles and loneliness

Moving abroad sounds like a dream come true and we often look at it in this glamorous movie kinda way, but the reality is very different. Today I´d like to share some of my experiences with you and talk about the things that helped me to settle in easier.

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Writing Methods: Plotting vs. Pantsing

Welcome to my new series of writing tips for beginners. Today I´ll share my thoughts on different writing techniques with you guys. I´ll explain the two methods of plotting and pantsing and at the end you can choose, which writing method works better for you.

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