Everything Has Changed [Life Update]

Everything has changed.. AGAIN! You guys it´s time for another little life update. In the last weeks I wasn`t posting much online and here is the reason why: I moved abroad.

Some of you might laugh with me now and yes it´s true in the last few months I moved so often, that I`m really hoping this time everything goes accordingly to its plan. Exactly one year ago I quit my full-time job and packed all my things in boxes, to put them in a little storage room. Only my favourite things got packed in two suitcases and flew with me to the other side of the world, where I moved into a beautiful apartment with my boyfriend. We had a long-distance relationship at that time and after 1,5 years of distance, we were so happy to finally live together.

Little did we know that only a couple of days later the political situation in Chile would change the country upside down. Luckily my boyfriend got accepted into some European university programs, so after only half a year in Chile, we decided to take some months off to travelling and then move together to Europe. But if this year taught us anything, then this: Never plan too much! Crazy covid times came and taught us all so much about what really matters in life.

Another half a year went by and after all this waiting and hoping our dream finally come true. A couple of weeks ago my boyfriend finally got his European student visa and as soon as he was allowed to fly, he visited me. Those of you who have been in a long-distance relationship will understand the pain of being apart from your partner, especially in a concerning time like this. It took us four months of waiting to finally see each other again, but oh how happy we were when we did. I literally ran my men over, when I spotted him and hugged him for a little eternity.

A week later we moved to France and I´m writing this post while sitting in a beautiful little library on his campus. We are living in an old Chateau in a tiny town, which has twenty newly furnished apartments. I´m obsessed with the beautiful little houses, the flower decorations on the street and the little stores. We live just a bit under an hour away from Paris in the south and for me, it feels like the combination of a comfortable small place to live, with an adventurous big city just around the corner. Life slowed me down a lot here: I enjoy that we not only have the big supermarkets but also little shops like a cheese store, a delicious bakery (the pistachio croissants are insanely good!), a butcher, a flower shop and little ateliers and decoration stores, who sell all kinds of creative things.

Even though my life has been such an adventure in the last weeks and I met a bunch of amazing new people and already found some close friends, I have been quite absent from social media. While a year ago when I moved to Chile I was so excited about sharing my whole experience overseas, I`m not feeling the excitement this time. Maybe a part of me is so scared, that life will again change quickly into something terrible when I start celebrating how amazing it is or talk about what I`m looking forward to. Have you realized something similar in your behaviour? That you worry about ruining something by talking too much about it?

And between all these endings and new beginnings, I finished writing my second novel. I sent it to a couple of beta-readers in the last weeks and still feel flattered by all the sweet feedback I got and how many fans the two main characters already have. I hope I can share more about the progress soon.

Which have been your biggest life changes in the last months?

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  1. Liebe Tiziana, es freut mich total, dass du dir bei all diesen Umbrüchen in deinem Leben die Zeit für ein Update genommen hast und uns an deinem Leben teilhaben lässt. Natürlich freut es mich auch ganz besonders, dass es endlich zur Wiedervereinigung mit deinem Freund gekommen ist und ihr nun euer gemeinsames Zuhause bezogen habt. Ich wünsche euch eine ganz wunderbare Zeit und genießt euer Zusammensein, denn die letzten Monate haben uns ja gezeigt, wie schnell und vor allem total unerwartet sich das doch ändern kann und dass langfristige Pläne von heute auf morgen umgeworfen werden müssen. Daher verstehe ich auch deine Vorsicht für neue Ankündigungen und ich bin diesbezüglich auch immer gerne zurückhaltend – bei uns gibt es dazu ein Sprichwort „Nicht über ungelegte Eier reden“, obwohl es andererseits natürlich auch die Vorfreude erhöht, wenn wir von Zukünftigem träumen und darüber reden. Übrigens, wenn ihr wieder mal an der Bäckerei vorbeikommt, dann esst ein Croissant für mich.
    Hab eine ganz wunderbare Zeit und alles Liebe

  2. Aw, this was such a sweet read! I’m glad you and your partner are back together now. My best friend is in a long distance relationship and it’s so hard to watch her missing her boyfriend with all the uncertainties around travel xx

  3. Hi Tiziana,
    danke für das kleine Update! Ich finde es stark, dass du den Mut hattest, deinen Vollzeitjob zu kündigen und nach Chile zu gehen und auch jetzt wieder nach Frankreich zu ziehen – das ist wirklich toll. Ich bewundere das und sicherlich ist es auch praktisch, wenn man dann wie du, letztlich von überall aus schreiben kann. Ich kann deine Zurückhaltung daher sehr verstehen, gerade wenn man selbst noch im Prozess steckt, das ganze zu verarbeiten/zu erleben. Ich durchlebe gerade ebenfalls ein paar Dinge und entscheiden und muss mich sortieren, weswegen mir das Teilen auch nicht leicht fällt bzw. ich Dinge erst mit mir selbst ausmachen muss.

    Ich hoffe, ihr könnt eure Zeit dort genießen und vielleicht magst du ja in Zukunft hier und da ein paar Fotos von den kleinen Lädchen und eurem Leben dort zeigen! Habt eine tolle Zeit dort und ganz wichtig: Bleibt gesund und passt auf euch auf!
    Liebe Grüße!

  4. I love that you have been adventuring so much around the world!! Glad that you have been having an amazing time and making new friends. When you’re having a great time like that, it is completely fine to miss out on social media. You have no duty with it! Glad things has been going well!!

    Nancy ✨ exquisitely.me

  5. Ein beeindruckendes Abenteuer. Covid hat wohl so manche Pläne über den Haufen geworfen. Das war bei mir und meiner Familie genauso.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Start in die neue Woche.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  6. I’m so happy that you’re happy, my friend! This life can be so hectic and while you have moved a lot in the recent years, it sounds like you’re taking in all of the good things. That’s so important. And that you’re together with your boyfriend, which is so special. I hope you continue to enjoy your time in France! I say, scream it on the rooftops and share all of your happiness. I can totally relate to how you feel about trying to keep some of that happiness to yourself, fearing that something bad will happen just once you proclaim you’re actually happy. But I think that’s just how being human can impact us, we worry about things taking a bad turn. You just be your beautiful self and enjoy this happiness you so wonderfully deserve, friend! I know I’m not alone in saying that your blog is so inspiring and I always enjoy reading your posts and life updates. 🙂

    Make Life Marvelous

    1. Hi Ashley oh wow I can`t say how much your words mean to me. It is such a pleasure to find kind people like you and build a friendship over reading each others blogs and learning so much about the deep thoughts and the life of another person. Thank you Ash!! <3

  7. Oh my goodness, Tiziana, congratulations! I am so excited for you guys! I can totally understand how precious this time is – just enjoy it. Your location sounds stunning (you honestly had me at pistachio croissants). And congratulations on your second novel, I can’t wait to hear more about it!

  8. Woohoo! It’s great when true love finds a way, congrats to both of you!
    Hmmm, biggest life changes would have to be my social routine which the new Berlin covid rules have stifled BIG TIME. I am also trying a chef making my meals which has introduced me to some tasty healthy dishes. Xo

    1. Oh yes we are finding a new routine now as well, we just started to have a new curfew from 9pm onwards and a group limit of 6 people again.. Hope soon we can all go back to a more social life again 🙂

  9. Hello Tizana, first of all I am happy to read that you’re doing good!

    These are hard times to make changes so congratulations for putting energy and effort in this situation. Moving is never easy, and now with all the situation around the virus…. but luckily you got to find the perfect place with your couple, that’s amazing and I’m just finding out that you lived in Chile for a while… what a experience! Definitely you’re growing up in many senses with all these life experiences!

    I hope you manage to make the best of this new season, as you said sometimes we plan a lot and life says surprise there! But we must always save an option for improvement and wait for that surprise factor.

    I wish you all the best with your partner!


    1. Oh Pablo thank you so so much!
      I think the biggest lesson of this year really was: it always comes different than you expect it.
      Bit different doesn`t have to mean that it´s bad, it depends on how we handle it. have a great day my friend!

  10. Wow, Tiziana, das klingt ja MEGA! Richtig richtig cool, dass du einfach deine Sachen gepackt und nach Frankreich gezogen bist. Freut mich auch, dass das mit deinem Freund alles geklappt hat und ihr endlich wieder vereint seid und sogar zusammen wohnt. Corona hat euch damals ja nen ordentlichen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht…

    Bist du eigentlich manchmal noch ein bisschen traurig, dass es mit Chile nicht geklappt hat? Hattest dich darauf doch sicherlich auch lange gefreut?

    Viele liebe Grüße,
    Krissi von the marquise diamond

  11. Congratulations on moving to France and finally being with your love of your life. The area sounds amazing and I wouldn’t say no to a pistachio croissant! Also a massive congrates to your second novel! I hope you have a great weekend : )

    1. Hi Natoya oh thank you 🙂 It´s always exciting to tell people about my writing progress and an amazing feeling to finish a book! Hopefully I will find a publishing house for it soon.

  12. So eine Fernbeziehung ist ja nie leicht, aber gerade sind wirklich bekloppte Zeiten für so etwas…
    Schön, dass ihr nun endlich wieder zusammen sein könnt und ich hoffe in euer Leben kehrt wieder etwas mehr Ruhe! 😉

  13. Wow! That’s quite an adventure! I am glad to hear you have settled down in your lovely new home and are with the loved one! I definitely understand what you mean by „afraid of sharing too much“, which is why I don’t share everything on SNS, to begin with. Savor the new beautiful things in you life and be well! <3

  14. Guten Morgen Tiziana, es freut mich, dass Du genau Deinen Weg gehst. Eine großartige Veränderung kann ich nicht vorweisen. Ich habe mir im Frühjahr das Nähen beigebracht und bin seither infizert. Aber das ist natürlich gar nichts im Vergleich zu Deinem Umbruch. Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende. Liebe Grüße Jana

  15. Wow, so many big changes! it’s great you have been able to move around even with all the restrictions, and that you are safe and well and spending time with your boyfriend 🙂

    Hope you are having a good weekend 🙂

  16. Habe zufällig deinen Blog gefunden, Karma!

    Chile war für mich bis vor kurzem ein relativ unbeschriebenes Blatt. Nur, wenn ich Zeit habe versuche ich über Ahnenforschung etwas über meine Herkunft herauszufinden ist interessant und Relaxing.

    Vor 2 Wochen wurde ich dann plötzlich von einem entfernten verwandten aus Santiago-Chile kontaktiert. Ich hatte null Ahnung, dass ich dort Familie habe, und habe dafür jetzt einen Grund nach Chile zu reisen, wenn dieser Virus endlich vorbei ist 🙂

    Bis dahin bin ich gespannt was du so über Chile bloggen wirst.

    1. Oh wie cool ist das denn 🙂
      Chile ist so ein tolles Land!! Sehr vielfältig was die Natur angeht und auch die Kultur ist so anders als in Deutschland. Du wirst bestimmt eine wunderbare Zeit haben, wenn du irgendwann hinfliegen kannst 🙂

  17. Hi Tiziana,
    Lovely to see you both enjoying the pleasure of staying together after such long time. Congratulations on publishing your second novel. Like you, my blogging has taken an all-time backseat for some unknown and known reasons. Reading your post inspires me. Thanks

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