I published a book

A few weeks ago I published my very first English book—and I want to share a secret with you: it is inspired by a true story! My very personal love story.

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WRITING GUIDE: How to choose your next story idea

The inspiration for a new story idea can hit you everywhere. You can be in the shower, on a walk or in the middle of a conversation with someone. What is hardest is to choose, which of your ideas you actually dedicate the time to turn it into a story. In this part of the writing guide we talk about how you find out, which idea is the right one to focus on.

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Fall Reading List: romance books to fall in love with this autumn

Hello friends, the weather gets colder and it´s my favorite season of the year. And no I promise I don’t just say that because my birthday is in autumn. I love fall, because of the cozy reading times and today I would like to share my fall reading list with you. Grab a hot chocolate or a tea, take your coziest blanket and get ready for the best romance books you can read this autumn!

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How to write a novel in 30 days – The #NaNoWriMo Challenge

Writing a novel in just 30 days is tough, without any preparations it´s almost impossible! The better you prepare yourself, your story line and characters the higher are your chances to win the writing challenge. Today I share my tips with you guys to help you succeed and hopefully you will end November with a finished first draft of your manuscript.

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5 Books That Changed My Life

Hello, my gorgeous readers! Lately, I’ve been getting so many messages and comments from you guys – also on Instagram – that you’ve been loving my book recommendations, so I […]

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One More Chapter I Whispered… Three Hours Ago – My Summer Book Recommendations

My favorite hiding spot is between the pages of a book. While reading we can live the adventures, which we can’t experience at the moment. We can dive into other worlds, while sitting on our own couch. It’s my favorite thing to do and in the last weeks I read so many great books that I would like to recommend you some today.

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You want to read more books in 2020? These 12 tips will help you!

From an early age on I loved reading and it was one of my favorite things to do. But over the years I got so busy with my life, that […]

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