5 Books That Changed My Life

Hello, my gorgeous readers! Lately, I’ve been getting so many messages and comments from you guys – also on Instagram – that you’ve been loving my book recommendations, so I thought it was time for some new ones. Today I would like to share some of my favourite books with you, that have seriously changed my life. I hope they will be as inspiring for you as they have been for me and that they will shape your mind and motivate you. I’ll share some personal development books and novels that improved my lifestyle a lot.

Are you ready for the most life-changing books?

You Are A Badass

My number one recommendation and the ultimate motivational book is called „You are a badass. How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life“ by Jen Sincero. I got this book as a Christmas gift two years ago and already recommended it to a bunch of people. It’s parted into little chapters for different topics and is ideal for reading a chapter before bedtime or in the morning to get your motivational doses. The writing style of Sincero is hilarious and she mixes her own stories with the success stories of other famous people. This book is really inspiring and I’m sure I will reread it a couple of times in my life ‚cause it gives you the feeling of being a total badass and that you can achieve, whatever you want if you are willing to really go for it. Afterwards, I read all the other books by the author, but this one is by far the best.
I recommended it on my Instagram a couple of weeks ago and got so much positive feedback from friends and followers, who bought it afterwards and love it just like me. It’s my „I would take it on a lonely island book“ (and I’m sure with that book I would even find a way to escape the island, cause it really motivates you to get over your own limits).
Read this book over and over and over, until it becomes your thoughts. It’s time well spent.

Main topics: mindset, personal growth and inspiring success stories

Writing style: casual and funny

Why it changed my life: I never had a personal coach, but this book is how I imagine it to be. Someone, who motivates you, but at the same time, tells you to work harder and don’t be so lazy.
Example: When you are coming up with excuses the book says things like „Really? You’re really going to let that stop you?“

This book is my positivity bible! Share on X


„Every single person is born with unique and valuable gifts to share with the world. Once we figure out what ours are, and decide to live our lives putting them to use, that’s when, and only when, the real party begins. Living a life on purpose is available to everyone. So if you’re struggling or settling or completely confused about what you’re supposed to do with your life, know that the answer is already here. It exists and so does the life you can’t wait to create. You just need to get some clarity first. “

„In order to kick ass you must first lift up your foot.“

Sometimes your mind is scarier than the reality: „Is anything scary happening to you right now at this very moment? Right now, where you’re sitting, is anything bad actually happening or is it just the thoughts in your head that are freaking you out? You deplete the much-needed energy you need to kick ass by freaking out before something even happens. Instead, stay in the moment.“

Outliers: The Story of Success

While the first book was about motivation, the second book is a collection of success stories and hard work. I read it like at least 10 years ago and it’s still stuck in my head as one of the biggest key changers.

Why it changed my life: It completely changed the way how I am looking at success. Success doesn’t seem like this magical thing anymore, that is super far away – no, the success is basically the hours you work on something. So instead of thinking that successful people are just more talented or lucky, I remind myself of the famous 10.000-hour-rule.

The 10.000-hour rule says, that anyone can be an expert of various fields by investing thousands of hours to become successful in them.

Success = Talent + Timing + Practice

Main topics: success and practice, proven success stories and studies

Writing Style: more theoretical with studies and statistics

„Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do, that makes you good.“

Let Me Tell You A Story

This might be the book I read the most in my life so far, at least 7 times already. A friend recommended it to me when I was a teenager and I had a huge Jorge Bucay phase where I read lots of his books. This one is my favourite.

Life can be complicated sometimes and the protagonist Demian is visiting a psychologist to talk about his (relationship) problems. The reader follows his search and journey to happiness and a more fulfilled life. The unconventional psychoanalyst Jorge tells Demian short stories, which include amazing life advice. The stories are very different and the more often you read them, the deeper you understand them.

Why it changed my life: No matter, in which life phase I am, I always find an amazing new look on my life when I read short wise stories. It’s up to you how you analyse them and which tips you want to include in your life.

Main topics: mindset, daily struggles, personal growth, the search for happiness

Writing Style: philosophical, short stories, easygoing

„Those who dance will always be considered insane by those who can’t hear the music.“

So Stärken Sie ihr Selbstwertgefühl (german edition only)

I got this book as a free review copy for my instagram page / not paid

The next book only exists in german so far, but it changed my thinking so much that I didn`t want to delete it from the list. It´s from a german psychologist, who wrote a couple of really successful self-help books in the last few years and I’m sure that it will get translated soon.

The book is about self-esteem and how often we sabotage ourselves. It analyses different behaviours and stereotypes and gives helpful tips on how to develop better self-esteem. I found the tips really helpful and the book helps not only to understand yourself better but also other perspectives.

Why it changed my life: While some books have like one or two practical tips, this one had a bunch of exercises and things you can practice to build up your self-esteem and handle tricky situations better.

Main topics: emotional intelligence, self-esteem, human relationships

Writing Style: short chapters, easy-going with lots of examples from her psychiatrist therapy talks with her patients

„Leicht kränkbar ist ein Mensch eigentlich nur in jenen Bereichen, in denen er an sich selbst zweifelt. Kritik schmerzt eigentlich nur, wenn sie in die offene Wunde der Selbstzweifel trifft.“

„Selbstunsichere Menschen sind defizitorientiert. Sie empfinden eine große Diskrepanz zwischen dem, was sie sind und dem, was sie gern wären. Psychologen bezeichnen dies als die Diskrepanz zwischen dem Real- und dem Idealselbst.“

He is just not that into you

Let`s end with a funny book. „He´s just not that into you“ was the very first self-help book I read as a Teenager over 15 years ago and it got so successful that there is even a movie about it now. The book includes a bunch of true stories from females all around the world, who listened to the white lies and lame excuses from guys, who let`s be honest just didn’t want to have a serious relationship.

Why it changed my life: It saved me a lot of unnecessary drama. The main message of the book is, that when someone comes up with excuses all the time you have to face the truth: he is just not that into you. And this is not just about dating. You might be in a relationship with someone already but every time you come up with a bit more commitment like meeting the parents, moving together, getting married or starting a family the other one panics. Well instead of trying to talk your partner into something or hoping that it would change over the years, you should better see the truth. It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to have commitment, he just doesn’t want to have it with you.
This might sound harsh, but the book has so many true stories that at the end you will realize that if you have to chase it, it is not a true love / well functioning relationship.

Main topics: emotional intelligence, knowing your own worth / self-esteem, the trouble of communication

Writing Style: funny, straightforward and pretty practical

„Thinking of yourself as the exception is what got you into this mess in the first place.“

„I hate to tell you this, but here’s why he feels rushed: He’s still not sure you’re the one.“

Which are the most life changing books you ever read?

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  1. Was für eine wunderschöne Buchvorstellung. Ich muss ja gestehen, ich habe noch NIE etwas anderes als einen Roman gelesen, jetzt mal von Schulbüchern oder historischen Sachbüchern abgesehen, aber von solchen „Lebensratgebern“ habe ich bisher immer einen großen Bogen gemacht, aber du stellst sie so einladend vor, dass ich vielleicht doch einmal einen Versuch wagen sollte und wer weiß, vielleicht verändert das zumindest meine Ansicht auf das Thema „Ratgeber“. Liebe Tiziana, die Fotos sind soooo hübsch. Ich wünsche dir eine ganz fantastische neue Woche und eine unvergessliche Zeit mit deinem Heimkehrer, alles, alles Liebe, x S.Mirli

  2. Thanks for sharing these! I haven’t read self-motivation/improvement books in a while but maybe it’s a great time to start reading one! Currently, I am reading a biography of a female animator who was a pioneer in the industry.

    Wish you a great week!

  3. Wow, I can understand how these books changed your life and I’m sure the lives of all the others who’ve read them! They sound so encouraging and inspiring. I’ve been into listening and watching YouTube videos that are motivating, so I’ll have to keep these in mind, especially the first two you shared.


  4. Oh these all sound quite good. I heard good things about You Are a Badass. I have mixed feelings about self-help books. If they can help people that is great but I find they are often over simplified and really only speak to middle and upper middle class people from happy homes in the first world who have known little hardship. That is my only caveat with them. It gets a lot tricker when dealing with real hard core problems. But if they help some people and have a positive message then it is all good.

    Allie of

    1. Hi Allie, the books from Stefanie Stahl are especially for people who come from more difficult homes. I read two of them so far, but will definitely read more, as I found them really helpful to understand myself better, overcome some toxic habits / thinking patterns and to „heal“ from past experiences.

    1. I would say the movie is funnier, the book is more based on all the different things men (or women) say when they don´t really want to commit, but not loose the other one.

  5. I will have to check those out, they sound amazing. I don’t think I have ever read a self-help book before, but their is no time like the present. Hopefully, So Stärken Sie ihr Selbstwertgefühl gets translated soon.

  6. Hallo Tiziana,

    interessante Tipps! 🙂

    Bei mir hatte das Buch „The Power“von Rhonda Byrne einen großen Einfluss.

    Einen schönen Wochenteiler und herzliche Grüße, Tati

  7. Outliers!!! I love this book – it changed my life too! I read it earlier this year! i want to read the Badass Book! I’ve heard so many good thing about it! Thanks so much for sharing:)

  8. Tiziana
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and recommendations for your most favourite books. Actually, a person who reads the most is the most travelled in his mind. I would definitely want to read the You are a Badass one. Books open a new world altogether. At the moment I’m finishing the Kite Runner, once I’m done with it, I have to look out for this book.

  9. I’ve read the first one and it is SO good! I found it to be a game-changer as well! I will definitely add the others to my reading list. Thanks so much for the awesome recommendations, Tiziana! 🙂 Oh, and I love this beautiful canopy/bed you’re on with the sparkly lights – it’s gorgeous!

    Make Life Marvelous

  10. Liebe Tiziana, bei Buchtipps bin ich sofort dabei und da ich deine Vorstellungen auf Instagram bereits verfolgt habe, freue ich mich hier auf die Zusammenfassung. Du bietest hier eine ganz wunderbare Sammlung an interessanten Büchern. Es gibt doch immer wieder Bücher, aus denen wir etwas für unser Leben mitnehmen können, die uns durch den Verlauf der Handlung Anregungen für unser eigenes Vorgehen bieten und daneben die eigentlichen Ratgeber. Ich denke, hier liegt es an uns, was wir daraus machen, denn oftmals ist es doch so, dass wir beim Lesen nicken und dem Geschriebenen zustimmen, aber nach der Lektüre gerät es immer mehr ins Hintertreffen, bis wir uns gar nicht mehr damit befassen. Daher ist es meines Erachtens wichtig, die Anregungen auch gleich nach dem Lesen in Angriff zu nehmen oder wie du es machst, ein Buch halt immer mal wieder hervorzuholen und nochmals zu lesen. Vielen Dank für diese tollen Anregungen.
    Hab ein wunderbares Wochenende und alles Liebe

  11. I feel like I would love You Are A Badass! It sounds like my kinda book. I’ve read Outliers and He’s Just Not That Into You and they were both great reads!

    Eileen | yesmissy.com

  12. Hello Tiziana, hope you’re making the best of the last bits of summer!

    Thanks for sharing your books recommendations! I am always opened to new reading experiences, specially during these weird times, cause honestly reading is one of the things that help me to stay focused and in peace most of the days!

    And definitely we must invest in our learning and discover new tools that can help us growing!

    1. Oh Naya thanks so much!!
      I love the blouse, it was my summer favourite and I`m so sad that it gets to cold in autumn now for it but I`m looking forward to wear it alllll spring on haha 🙂

  13. Bis auf das letzte Buch kannte ich noch keines der vorgestellten (beim letzten dafür dann aber auch den Film; wobei ich den nie so gern mochte ^^). Da muss ich mal noch genauer schauen; thematisch klingen die nämlich alle recht interessant für mich.

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