WRITING GUIDE: How to choose your next story idea

The inspiration for a new story idea can hit you everywhere. You can be in the shower, on a walk or in the middle of a conversation with someone. What is hardest is to choose, which of your ideas you actually dedicate the time to turn it into a story. In this part of the writing guide we talk about how you find out, which idea is the right one to focus on.

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Writing Methods: Plotting vs. Pantsing

Welcome to my new series of writing tips for beginners. Today I´ll share my thoughts on different writing techniques with you guys. I´ll explain the two methods of plotting and pantsing and at the end you can choose, which writing method works better for you.

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How to write a novel in 30 days – The #NaNoWriMo Challenge

Writing a novel in just 30 days is tough, without any preparations it´s almost impossible! The better you prepare yourself, your story line and characters the higher are your chances to win the writing challenge. Today I share my tips with you guys to help you succeed and hopefully you will end November with a finished first draft of your manuscript.

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Let´s create your ideal writing routine

Today I want to share with you my 3 step process of how to create your ideal writing routine. This will help you when you are planning to write a […]

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