The Lockdown Tag – How has the pandemic time been for me?

Hello beautiful people, today I’d like to try something new. I’ve just found a lockdown tag and as I’ve never answered a tag before, but always thought it looks like so much fun, I try out this one now. Please answer the questions with me together in the comments below, I would really like to hear more about your own lockdown time!!

I found the tag on Hannas Blog – The Luxury Blush who has lots of amazing beauty content, so if you want to see the original answers go and check her out.

1 . Come On, Own Up… Did You Stock Pile Anything?

When the whole pandemic started I wasn’t in my home country as most of you might know. It took me two months to get back to Germany and by that time the whole thing of stock-pilying was kind of over already. So no I didn’t stockpile anything, but when I went to the supermarkets in Chicago it was so shocking to see most of the shelves completely empty – especially the toiletry one.

2. Have You Discovered A New Hobby?

I think if I would have been in my normal environment at home I would have used most of my time for writing (as I am an author) or blogging a bit more, but the opposite was the case. I still don’t have my own notebook back – long story short: it lies in Chile, where I lived for half a year and because of the virus situation I’m currently not allowed to enter the country and therefore can’t get my personal belongings as my computer.
But there is one new thing I’m doing now, which I would have never expected: home workouts. Like most germans, I am doing the Pamela Reif online workouts and it’s so much fun to try some different exercises out. I’m also really surprised about the results and that a 20 to 30 minutes video can make you way fitter and more defined than two hours in the gym ever did. I can really recommend her workouts and they are in English and for free so everyone can try them out easily.

3. Where Is The First Place You Will Go Once The Restrictions Are 100% Lifted? 

As soon as I got a flight a month ago I went back to my family and home country. It’s so nice to be back and I slowly start seeing friends and family members again. My boyfriend couldn’t come with me as he is not European and as soon as all borders are open he will come here – so that’s what I am looking forward to the most. Being Long-distance in a crisis like this isn’t the nicest thing as you can imagine 😉
I was also really relieved when I could see my grandpa again. After all these months away I was worried we wouldn’t get the opportunity anymore. He’s 95 and super fit at the moment. So even though I can’t hug him at the moment and stay a few meters away it’s still nice to have a coffee and a cake together.

4. Loungewear Or Normal Clothes For A Day Of Isolating?

It’s more comfy clothes than my normal work clothes on most days. I know that it would make me way more motivated when I would get dressed up and ready for the day, but jeans are not that comfortable and I feel like it’s kind of a waste to put new chic clothes on just for being at home. Nevertheless, I got some new workout outfits and wear them a lot, because they also boost my motivation, and are way more comfortable!

5. Have You Been Wearing Makeup While Staying At Home?

Not once in the first two months and even though I’m starting to use it again now more because I’m slowly starting to meet friends again, I think I will have more makeup-free days in the future. Normally I mostly wore some, so this is definitely something that has changed for me.

6. How Many Zoom Quizzes Have You Done? And Importantly, Did You Enjoy Them?

Am I the only person who really hasn’t done any of them yet? My boyfriend uses them all the time, but I prefer one on one facetime talks with my friends. So no zoom yet and no quizzes, but once I played battleship over a phone call and it was really a fun thing to do.

7. Did You Give into the Hype and Bake Your Own Banana Bread?

Yes but I made them almost weekly when I was still in Chile before the whole pandemic started. So not something new for me, but I like banana bread a lot!!

8. Were You Still Ordering Takeaways? If You Did, What Was Your First One?

I don’t order takeaway normally, maybe sushi every 2-3 months. But when I stayed in Chicago with the family of my boyfriend we did it a couple of times in the first weeks to support the local restaurants. The first one was called Alinea and has three Michelin stars, so they are normally not a typical takeaway. They only do it during the pandemic time but invented really great takeaways, which were also way cheaper than a normal visit to their restaurant would be. They made little three-dish menus, which you got with destruction and then heated up at home yourself. We tried it twice and their lasagne was so good!
Which was the best takeaway you had in the last months?

9. Has Your Blog/ Instagram Content Had To Change Since Lockdown?

I just started a world trip and had planned and prepared a lot of travel content, which I obviously did not post. We had to stop travelling after being just 2,5 weeks away instead of the planned 6 months. I’m not sure at the moment if I will still upload those posts at a different time when the pandemic is over. My content focus has changed in the last months to mindset and productivity posts and I like it a lot.
On my Instagram I didn’t post for a long while. Especially the first weeks of the pandemic weren’t easy for me as I was stuck somewhere and had no idea when I could get back to my home country, so it was pretty stressful. Staying away from social media helped me a lot at that time with my anxiety and I just started to slowly post again. I really missed Instagram and the talks and feedback.

10. Are You Waiting Until The Hairdressers Re-Open Or Have You Cut/ Dyed Your Own Hair?

I’m waiting. In my city, they are actually already open for a couple of weeks now, but I don’t find it that necessary to go there now right away. At the moment we still have to wear face masks, while sitting at the hairdresser and that doesn’t really sound so comfortable. I often cut my hair myself anyway and don’t want to bring anyone to risk, just because I want to dye my hair a bit lighter.

11. Who Have You Missed Seeing The Most?

Definitely my boyfriend: The first months we were in home quarantine together, but now that we are in different countries and don’t know when we can see each other again and if and when our next life steps can begin it’s been some tough weeks.
I’m currently at my family’s house, but before I came here I missed my two little nieces the most. Especially the younger one who is just 6 years old cheers my days up and brings so much joy in them. Little kids are the best and can help you see the little pleasures of life! She will have her first day of school party soon and I’m glad that I am here and can celebrate it together with her. I will definitely make a delicious cake, anyone has a cool idea for a school-starter cake?

So this was the Lockdown Tag! I hope you enjoyed reading it and now let me know how it all felt for you. Did you bake a ton of banana bread or started a new hobby?

Thanks for reading and stay safe everyone,

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  1. I love reading these kind of tag posts. I did stockpile on food. I have not ordered anything from outside. Stores have opened in my area but we still try to stay indoors. I did not post on my blog and IG for a couple months. I color my hair at home and tried to trim it a little bit. I am always in comfy clothing when at home 🙂

    Via |

  2. I love this tag, I will have to do it soon. I did not bake any banana bread or start a new hobby. I did some baking, and did hobbies that I am already into though. 🙂

  3. Liebe Tiziana, ich finde solche Beiträge ganz besonders und freue mich total diesen heute bei dir vorzufinden. Es ist doch immer wieder interessant, den Menschen hinter einem Blog noch besser kennenzulernen und Persönliches über ihn zu erfahren – daher gerne auch mehr davon. Bei dir hatte diese Pandemie hat besonders großen Einfluss auf dein Leben, da du dich beim Ausbruch im Ausland befunden hast und dort dann auch noch in Quarantäne warst. Ich habe bereits immer in einer Kombination aus Büro und Homeoffice gearbeitet, sodass sich diesbezüglich bei mir arbeitstechnisch nicht viel geändert hat. Dafür habe ich in dieser Zeit mein erstes und bisher einziges Bananenbrot gegessen – ich habe es zwar nicht selbst gebacken, sondern es wurde mir von einem lieben Menschen zubereitet und es hat einfach köstlich geschmeckt. Also diese neue Erfahrung werde ich auch in die Zeit nach Corona gerne mitnehmen. Zoom habe ich auch vermehrt genutzt – aber nur um zumindest virtuellen Kontakt mit mehreren Familienmitgliedern, teilweise auch im Ausland – zu halten und da bin ich im Nachhinein noch immer total dankbar für diese technischen Möglichkeiten.
    Hab einen ganz wunderbaren Tag und alles Liebe

  4. Ah, the lockdown life. I think we have all pretty much experienced the same changes in lifestyle that you have described here. I really hope you and your boyfriend get to see each other soon! I’d love to see your upcoming travel content as well xx


  5. Such a cool tag.
    I love reading those.
    I’m so sorry to learn you’re far from your boyfriend. At the beginning of our relationship with my husband we also went through long distance relationship so I understand what you may feel.
    Just like you as soon as flights reopened I’ll travel back home to visit my family.
    In Bahrain we didn’t have an official lockdown but it felt the same like a lot of shops were closed.
    The hair salons also reopened and I’ll need an haircut but just like you I’m not feeling comfortable to go right now especially because in Bahrain they can’t clean and dry your hair so I feel like maybe it’s the best to just wait.
    And lately I only wear make up once a week when I take pictures outside and It feels so nice to be make up free. My skin is a lot better with less make up on 🙂

  6. This sounds like fun

    Yes I stock pile clothes lol knowing I would have time to prepare posts
    Not new but I got writing books again which I love and study
    Cruising somewhere
    Both lounge and normal clothes More normal though
    I rarely wear makeup Only when I go out for photoshoot
    No time for zoom quizzes at all
    Not baking but definitely eating more cakes than never so guilty now I need to lose weight so hard
    Frozen food
    no the style of blogging is the same
    Thank goodness most of places are open with restrictions
    I have not missed anyone as I see my family on skype and WhatsApp like I always do as they live on the other side of the world

    It was fun! Happy weekend Cris

  7. I’ve so enjoyed reading through your answers, Tiziana! I am so glad you are able to be with your family (including your grandpa, who sounds amazing). I know your long term relationship can’t be easy but hang in there – hopefully things will start improving soon. PS: What is a zoom quiz?

  8. Oh ja, die Homeworkouts! Die habe ich auch gemacht, als wir uns noch im Lockdown befanden. Mittlerweile arbeite ich, aber an meinen freien Tagen mache ich immernoch Workouts. Pamelas Videos sind wirklich soo effektiv und für mich persönlich viel besser als stundenlange Gym-Sessions.

    Das mit der Fernbeziehung ist wirklich blöd… wo lebt dein Freund denn? In Chicago? Ich hoffe sehr, dass die Grenzen bald wieder aufmachen und ihr euch wiedersehen könnt.
    Ich warte auch sehnsüchtig darauf, dass ich zurück in die USA kann. Ich studiere dort und meine ganzen Sachen sind noch drüben…

    Ganz liebe Grüße,
    Krissi von the marquise diamond

    1. Er lebt in Santiago de Chile, im Moment sieht es auch so aus als würde er noch ziemlich lange dauern.. wir versuchen aber optimistisch zu bleiben! 🙂

      Oh man für dich ja auch eine ganz schön schwierige Situation. Ich drücke dir die Daumen, dass du bald zurück in die USA darfst. Wobei haben die nicht beschlossen Studentenvisa für das komplette Jahr abzulehnen? Ein Freund der in NYC studiert hatte mir sowas erzählt, der muss jetzt erstmal für ein Jahr pausieren – absoluter Mist.

  9. This lockdown tag was a really cute idea! It was fun to learn more about your lockdown lifestyle! I am so sorry you and your BF have had to go through long-distance in a crisis- I’m sure you cannot wait to be reunited!

    1. Oh yes!! He will hopefully get a visa soon and than we can see each other in about a month. I’m so excited and just hope everythign works out. Not seeing each other anymore for 4 month has been so tough
      But I’m looking on the bright side of life and stay positive 🙂

  10. What a fun, relatable post! Man, that must’ve been stressful to be away from home for 2 months under these conditions. I, too, took a long social media break. It was fitting. We were all learning how to navigate this new life of restrictions that the last thing many of us were thinking of was what to post. Thanks for sharing, babe.


  11. Hello Tiziana, first of all thanks for visiting my latest blog post 🙂 I really appreciate that you took the time to share a comment with me 🙂

    And then I love the picture of this post and secondly I’d say these are times that are admitting many different reactions. I feel like you, on one hand I had the chance to discover many things and plan new stuff but on the other I feel that time flew faster than ever.

    Let’s see how this evolves in the upcoming week, the best we can do is stayed conscious about the regulations.

    All the best!

  12. I love this lockdown Q&A! Oh no, I am sorry that you didn’t get your notebook back :(. Hopefully you can in the future! I love loungewear- so much easier to sit for a longer period than work clothes lol! YUM!! You can’t go wrong with sushi hehe. I still haven’t posted on IG for a while either. Thanks for sharing the tag!

    Nancy ✨

  13. Love this idea of this lockdown tag! Like you I’ve started to home workouts too which I never thought I could or would do! Also can’t wait to start travelling again!

    Eileen |

  14. Liebe Tiziana, ich finde es immer so spannend zu lesen, wie andere diese letzten Monate erlebt haben bzw. du siehst, ich spreche schon in der Vergangenheitsform, obwohl wir ja noch immer mittendrin stecken. Allerdings ist nun tatsächlich die Zeit angebrochen, in der man sich an alles gewöhnt hat, der Abstand, das Händewaschen, die Masken, alles ist schon in die Routine übergegangen und trotzdem bin ich froh, dass wir zumindest wieder teilweise zurück zur Normalität kehren werden. Manche Dinge wie die Hamsterkäufe (nein, habe ich auch nicht gemacht) und das Banana Bread (wie du, backe ich das schon seit über zehn Jahren, aber gut) werde ich wohl nie verstehen, aber wahrscheinlich braucht man genau in solchen Zeiten etwas, das einen zusammenhält und wenn es „nur“ das gemeinsame Banana Bread backen ist. Vielen Dank, dass du das mit uns geteilt hast, alles, alles Liebe zu dir und hab eine fantastische neue Woche, schau gut auf dich, x S.Mirli

  15. Very cool tag! This is the first time I’ve come across it! I think I’d like to do it too! Kind of a way to reflect on this whole situation despite things slowly opening up. Working out has been something new that I’ve tried and you’re right, 30 minutes a day can really make a difference.
    Omg I can’t imagine what you must have been going through with being in quarantine and not in your own country. Stress levels for me would be extremely high! You def deserve some kudos. Glad you’re enjoying your time with fam and 🤞🏼 you and your man will see each other really soon!!!
    Thanks for sharing doll! I enjoyed reading!!

    Des |

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