Chile Guide #1 – A romantic weekend trip to Colchagua: Glamping at it´s finest

Colchagua is one of the prettiest and most romantic spots you can go to from Santiago de Chile. It´s perfect for a weekend trip and only a little bit more than two hours away from Santiago. My boyfriend surprised me with the trip last year and I totally loved the place. It´s definitely one of the most romantic places I´ve ever stayed and perfect for couple time – or even engagements.

Glamping at it´s finest

  • The Colchagua Camp is surrounded by thousands of lemon and orange trees. If you want to you can even pick some before your ride home. It is  a beautiful spot in the nature with just a few dorms and the hole scenery is just beautiful. It was definitely an unique experience to stay there. We had a glamping-dorm, which you can see on the video on the side, with a big and very comfortable bed. It was one „tent“ for sleeping and than there was an extra tiny house next to it where we had our bathroom with a shower, toilet and everything you need. But the very best thing was the natural hot tub that every terrace has in front of the tent. We had the most amazing view on the lemon trees and it felt like we were just surrounded by nature and no other people. You could even go swimming naked if you would want to as know one could see you. Another great thing is that the dorms have a little cooler in which you can put drinks like a sparkly vine and some cheese if you want to. It´s definitely the perfect spot for a cheese plate with crackers, so I recommend you to take some. The Colchagua Camp is definitely an experience that I will not forget. The service was also very friendly and they made us a delicious breakfast with fresh juices from the farm and an oven-fresh cake.

    We stayed only for one night in Colchagua so even though I heard that you can do lot´s of great things around the area, I don´t want to recommend you something that I haven´t tested myself. So this will probably be the first travel guide without a food recommendation – I know, I´m pretty shocked too 😉

    Vine Tasting and Horse Riding

  • So the only other thing that we enjoyed besides our amazing hot tub was a vine tasting tour which included a few hours of horse riding. I haven´t been horse riding for a long time and was pretty excited about the opportunity to ride through the vineyard and hear all the juicy news about the vinery. We did the tour with just one other couple and had a really great time. Unfortunately we´ve been there in the beginning of autumn so most of the vineyard was starting to get brown and lost it´s pretty green shapes, but it was still a great experience.You get such a nice view over the vineyard, the farms and you can even see the mountains.The colchagua valley vine district has some pretty good vines and we enjoyed our vine tasting with a cheese plate that was so big, that we didn´t even needed a dinner afterwards. The vineyard is pretty big and we did a little stop afterwards at the winery to look at the vine barrels and buy a few bottles of the delicous liquids they sell.


Have you ever been glamping before? Let me know in the comments below! I would really like to try out some other spots, so I would be glad to hear about your experiences and if you can recommend me something.

On the way back to Santiago I recommend you to do a stop at the colchagua museum in Santa Cruz. It has lots of chilean history, culture and artifacts. We spend way longer there than expected and liked it a lot.

Lookin´ for a romantic weekend trip? Go #glamping with a private luxury tent and a hot tub with a view over hundreds of lemon trees. And now let´s open the bottle of vine honey! #valentinesideas #weekendtrip #santiagodaytrips #colchaguacamp Share on X

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    1. Hi Margot,
      if you like camping you should definitely try out a glamping weekend! Have a the nice nature experience but still get the good sleep in a cozy bed and some other nice treatments. I absolutely loved it!

      Have a fantastic week!

  1. Oh wie toll, das wäre tatsächlich auch mein perfektes Wochenende. ich wollte schon immer einmal Glamping ausprobieren, bisher fehlt mir allerdings noch die passende Location. Wunderschöne Bilder, vielen Dank, dass du sie mit uns geteilt hast. Liebe Tiziana, ich wünsche dir eine ganz fanatische neue Woche, alles, alles Liebe, x S.Mirli

    1. Hi Mirli,
      Glamping ist echt eine tolle Kombination aus Natur und Entspannung. Ich kann es dir auf alle Fälle empfehlen und glaube, dass es auch in Österreich und Deutschland so einige gute Orte dafür gibt 🙂
      Ich schicke dir auf jeden Fall ganz liebe Grüße meine Liebe

    1. Hi Romy oh da hast du Recht! Wir hatten Glück, denn es gibt nur eine handvoll Unterkünfte und man ist wirklich absolut ungestört. Als wäre man in seinem eigenem kleinen Paradies 🙂

    1. Sowas von romantisch! Ich kann dir einen Glamping-Ausflug auf jeden Fall absolut empfehlen 🙂
      Die gibt es ja auch in Deutschland und Österreich an super vielen schönen Orten.

    1. Oh it is perfect for a romantic weekend and I loved how disconnected you are to the rest of the world and really concentrate on each other 🙂
      But I think it would also be a fun weekend trip with a best friend, as you can include some wellness or the horseback riding.

    1. Hi Jill,
      oh Chile is such an amazing country and has so many things to offer. The north and south of chile are also incredible and so worth a visit!!

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