Summer Selfcare: Little Ideas How You Can Treat Yourself

Hello, my friends and welcome to a little self-care talk! Depending on where in the world we live the quarantine time is more or less over. While stores open up again and we start catching up with friends, some of us can’t go on a so much-needed summer vacation this year. If you are sad or even frustrated about the current circumstances then please see this post as a little hug to you. I feel you!

Let’s look on the bright side of life! To cheer you guys up I wrote a little happiness list. Today I want to share some little pleasures of life with you. Things you can do to boost your mood and some of the ideas don’t even cost a penny!

Do A Picnic

Let’s start with an easy one. I feel like we don’t do picnics often enough, even though it’s so easy to make. Pack your favourite foods, a nice blanket and meet with a loved one. You can either have a picnic in nature at a lake, in the woods or even in your own living room.

Create A Fancy Drink

You are stuck at home and think it doesn’t make sense to make your favourite drink just for yourself? No worries you don’t have to drink alone! Plan a zoom cocktail hour with your friends and it will feel almost as if your besties would sit right next to you. Go all in and make the drink look as cool as possible.

Do A Photoshoot

You don’t need a fancy camera to do a photoshoot. Just take your phone and a friend or family member take pictures. You can go to a beautiful spot in nature or get out some pretty clothes, you haven’t worn in years, cause you didn’t have a good occasion. Get all dressed up and then have some fun. Especially when you are not a photo person you will LOVE this! I took a couple of pictures of my sister a few weeks ago and first she was so shy and didn’t know how to pose. But we had lots of fun and after a while, she got confident and really enjoyed it. We had an amazing day and she was surprised at how many beautiful pictures we shot. Even if you feel like you are not photogenic if you end up with just one single beautiful shot of yourself isn’t that way more than you had for years? And believe me, there will be way more than just one!

Find Your Inner Child

What did you love as a child, but haven’t done for ages, because you are a mature grown-up now? Don’t take yourself too seriously, better do something fun. Go to a pony farm and ride a horse, or visit an animal shelter. Build a sandcastle when you are close to a beach. You will be surprised by how much joy that kind of little adventure can fill up your heart.

Plan A Weekend Away

It doesn’t always have to be a long holiday vacation, sometimes just a few days can make wonders. A month ago I’ve spent a weekend in the Netherlands and came back so relaxed and surprised by how amazing it was. Just a few days away can feel like a week and reduce your stress immensely.

Watch The Sunset

Oh, I’m so guilty of this one and should definitely do it more often! The sunset is there every evening, but how often do we really take the time to watch the sunset? You can do it together with a picnic or a nice drink!

Get A Little Helper

Another thing that takes wonders is if you treat yourself a cleaner. You might think: No this is out of my budget and that is okay. But especially when you normally don’t have a helper at home it can be such an amazing thing when you order someone for just a few hours to do a big cleaning. Let them do all the tricky things you dislike: cleaning the windows that are too high, washing the curtains or cleaning whatever just popped up in your head. Oh yes, girl do it! It’s not as expensive as your doubts tell you and will feel way better than it would spend the money on a restaurant visit. Well, you could obviously combine both, just an idea 😉

Take a Walk In The Nature

Always always always a good idea!

Treat Yourself As The Queen You Are

Oh honey, when the spas are closed then create your own self-care wellness routine at home. Do a manicure or a face mask, try out the scrub recipe you saved weeks ago, order that fancy bubble bath and ask your spouse for a massage. There are a ton of things you can do at home that don’t even take long but will make you feel so much better afterwards.

Buy Yourself Flowers

We don’t need a man to do it for us!

Find A Bookstore

Visit an old fashion book store, talk to the owner and buy a book he recommends. Don’t read it at home, go to a park or cafè instead and celebrate the moment as if you would be in a different city.

Buy A Luxurious Gift For Yourself

Treat yourself to something special: a fancy cream, a candle that is normally over your budget but smells delicious or the interior piece for your home you have had an eye on for ages already. Get it.

Create A Picture Book

You might think that there haven’t been so many great adventures lately, but look through your phone and you will find more memories than you expect. Print them out, get some pencils and sit down to make a photo book. It’s fun to do and looking at it will give you such a great feeling, cause you can see your own highlight reel.

What is your favourite summer treat?

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  1. I love these tips!
    I love how they’re so uplifting and at the same time calming. I needed these tips because I’m still sort of quarantining die to the virus. I can do most of these things at home or even in my garden.
    Thank you so much!
    Wishing you the best darling!

  2. I love all these ideas! I should really buy myself flowers more and I love the picture book idea too! I keep all my photos on my computer but it would be so nice to have something you can hold as well!

    Eileen |

  3. Das klingt alles mega! Tolle Ideen für einen schönen Sommer trotz Corona. Wir ALLE haben uns den Sommer und allgemein das Jahr anders vorgestellt, no question. Aber jetzt ist es nunmal so – wieso also icht das beste daraus machen?

    Danke dir für die tollen Inspirationen! Gerade das Buch lesen im Park hat mich inspiriert. Sowas habe ich glaube ich noch nie so wirklich gemacht 😀

    Viele liebe Grüße,
    Krissi von the marquise diamond

  4. Liebe Tiziana, was für ein positiver Beitrag, der gleich gute Stimmung verbreitet. Wir sind ohnehin keine Sommerurlauber, sondern verbringen den Sommer eigentlich immer zu Hause. Daher hat sich diesbezüglich für uns nicht wirklich viel geändert. Dennoch finde ich deine Liste einfach toll – denn es ist eine besondere Motivation, mache Dinger wieder mal zu machen oder auch neue auszuprobieren. Mein absolutes Highlight ist natürlich, mit einem spannenden Buch in der Natur zu sein – vielleicht in Verbindung mit einem kleinen Picknick oder einem spritzigen Getränk -, die Sonnenstrahlen auf der Haut zu spüren, die Blätter leisen rauschen und das Wasser plätschern zu hören. Zoom kommt bei uns beim Wochenendfrühstück gerne zum Einsatz – um so Kontakt mit unserem Familienmitglied zu halten und ein bisschen gemeinsames sozialen Leben zu erfahren. Danke für diese schönen Ideen.
    Hab einen wunderbaren Tag und alles Liebe

  5. These are all great tips! COVID has sure made us get creative and find fun in the little things! I really enjoy park and food sessions, I’ve had fun doing photo shoots… have a good rest of the week, Xo

  6. Hello Tiziana, hope you’re doing good and first of all thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment 🙂

    I love to read this kind of content, feels like fresh air in these weird days. Hope you’re living a good summer, here we are having an odd one but these tricks you’re commending could be really helpful and they remind us that the coolest things in life can be found in an easy ways, like the fact to plan a weekend escapade to the nature or to plan a picnic with the food you like the most right? Definitely taking many of these recommendations into account…. also planning a photoshoot could be great!

    Stay safe !

  7. These are such great ideas, Tiziana! I love the idea of a photoshoot to cheer yourself up – we do this with our kids regularly, it’s such fun. And picnics and getting away for a weekend are always good ideas. In fact I am planning a weekend away right now!

  8. I like all these ideas! Sure, some of them are not easy to do right now because of the current virus situation but there are litter endearing things that can lift my mood up. Thanks for sharing!! (Love the picture you in a swing)

  9. Great ideas – although it can be too hot to have a picnic here some summer days it is something we enjoy before the weather gets too warm, haha!

    Hope that you are having a great weekend 🙂

  10. Liebe Tiziana,
    hier hast du sehr schöne Dinge aufgelistet und ein paar davon nehme ich sicherlich mit: Einen leckeren Drink (Aperol ist mein Favorite diesen Sommer), ein Buch in der Stadt lesen, einen Spaziergang in der Natur und vor allem Beautyrituale wie Gesichtsmasken und Nägel lackieren bringen mich immer runter…und wenn der zuckerfreie Monat vorbei ist, gönne ich mir vielleicht auch ein kleines Geschenk als Belohnung – und wenn es doch wieder ein Buch ist 😀
    Viele Grüße!

    1. Hi Vanessa oh ich mag Aperol auch total gerne und in letzter Zeit auch Rosato 🙂
      Das mit dem Belohnungsgeschenk für den zuckerfreien Monat finde ich eine sehr gute Idee!!

  11. It’s funny you mention creating a drink. Throughout this pandemic when my husband was temporarily unemployed, he created this drink that now has a sentimental connection to it. I’ll have to share the recipe one day soon, as it’s a good one for summer!


  12. I love all these ideas, I know while I have not taken any pictures of people lately I have been taking a good bit of random things like rust and fireworks to make textures with lol.

  13. Liebe Tiziana, was für ein toller Blogbeitrag und jeden einzelnen Punkt kann ich nur absolut unterschreiben. Es gibt so viele Möglichkeiten sich selbst aus dem Alltag oder aus trüben Gedanken zu reissen, gerade im Sommer. Ich liiiiebe es zu picknicken, einfach nur in der Natur zu sein, Sonnenuntergang genießen und ein ganz dickes Rufzeichen hinter: das innere Kind nie verlieren. Vielen Dank für diesen wunderschönen und inspirierenden Post. Ich wünsche dir eine ganz fabelhafte neue Woche, alles, alles Liebe, x S.Mirli

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